Friday, May 8, 2009

Physics all the waaaay ! :D

Chem today was horrible! :/ I almost ran out of time to do okay, first time ever i experience this ><' rushing & rushing to do! 19pages -.- MrHeng must be mad! Ohyah, I smelt ljs during chem exam! hehe :) I forgot how was emaths alrd! Hahah!
Physics remedial aft that, intended to find Brendan after remedial but he couldnt go out. -.- Went jp with Irene & Carlyn instead, hehe :) Ate ljs again! Bought my Physics guide :D Perlyn & Yanling joined us ltr :D Everyone went mad in th train ~ Damn funny! Went to Bren's hse aft that, went thr he not home -.- At piano lesson so yah, left my things thr & went to cut hair + send mummy's contact lens for servicing (: Bren released his dog without telling me :/ running towards me somemore caaan! :(
Stupid bren pon sch today! He wokeup at like 9am ? He say he go school jus nice recess le, so dw go alr. LOL! Daddy fetched me home after that :D Super tired! Gonna go catch some sleep & continue studying (:

See our legs ~ In increasing order de! LOL


Hehe :) Baoyan from imh ! happy to see urs here also baaah ? :D