Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day! :)
Have been watching HotShot since 1130am today ? HAHAH. So many hours of it but me nvr get bored. :D Stupid Fang & Hui keep going against me today lor! 去死 please. Yay, me luvzcxs watching show play bball. :D Ah, cute! ♥

Daddy keep calling me stupid today lor -.- Raaah, he's forcing me to go buy satay rice with him now :( Blahblah. Mummy is sleeping th wholeday! Th weather is getting scarey :/ Was watching a Hongkong Movie before tuition starts on tv today. Dint get t watch finish th show, th lil boy (bunny) in th show is damn cute :D

" The movie has portrayed a true friendship of two strangers with delicately illustrated sentiments and heart-touching scenario. John and orphan Bunny become good friends after a robbery incident. However, when Bunny is forced to return to orphanage, John visits him and gets killed by the police. "

Me back from buying dinner, can't stand my skin colour now. So dark! :( Okay, at least it matches my colour contacts. LOL Singapore weather so hot -.- Everyday so sunny, no chance of me turn fairer lor ? :/ Mayb I should stay home during afternoons & go out during night time! :D Moonlight won't turn me any darker right ?! LOL. HAHAH. Off t watch my hot shot now. :)