Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Me now is trying very hard t stay awake. So im gna keep typing & typing ...
Watched finish hot shot ytd @ 12am+. Off comp, decided t sleep. Me lacking alotalot of sleep lah. Realise my hp wasn't around anywhr -.- Omgg, left it in th toliet! :/ Think if this hp still drop into tolietbowl I can forget about having hp alrd. ~ HAH.
Cant sleep, spam koofang, koohui hp. No one reply me ~ Study ss yi xiaaa. Send stuff over t my other hp, search dao got some1's bluetooth " June jun " :/ Me damn scared can :( Bluetooth where can search dao so far! Other ppl house also can detect dao. I keep looking around my room lor -.- Stupid.
Thought Irene will still be awake, so text her ~ No reply also. :/ Text perlyn, finally got some1 reply :D Perlyn still ask me wan go dwnstairs see sunrise anot ~ LOL! Me dont dare take lift dwn! Ghost show th scene always in lift de ><''
So we msgmsg until 7am. She go sleep, me carry on playing SallySalon. Damn addictive :/ Play dao 730am, hand damn suan. So go sleep awhile, 1030am kena chao xing by hui's sms. Msg msg, SallySalon SallySalon. Suddenly mummy came in my room :O Keep talk about Audition -.- Tsk,
Mum : Eh, why ur ear ring like that ?!
Vian : ?
Mum : Neh, last time that one above de lor.
Mum : Roll down ah ?
Vian : HAHAHAH. -.-
Cos I usually wear thoes round de at my helix, thn ytd nth do so swtich about lor. Thn she go say it roll dwn -.- What crap manzcxs. LOL. Yeaah, went t bathe aft that. :D Perlyn finally wakeup. Bathe out, daddy suddenly ask us measure weight -.- Me weight drop by 2kg ~ :O LOL
Ate lunch, ahyi came up :D So keep hear mummy & her talk about Audition. -.- Eat finish nia, mummy ask me go study le -.- So evil can! :( Now my eyelids heavy like dk what! Gna shut any min, but I canot go sleep now :/ If not tonight sure can't sleep agn le. -.-
Last night me thought Big Aunt gna come visit me lor -.- In th end nvr, so now I have a damn big pimple. :( Pain like hellllllllllll ! T.T Ayaaa, need go study le. Bye!