Monday, June 8, 2009


Brendan said that his hp dropped into th swimming pool that's why he didn't reply any of my sms -.- LOL Was webcamming with him earlier on this afternoon. Gna go sentosa tmr, staying overnight there. Bought cheerup tee :D So Fang, Hui & Me have th same shirt nowwwww. :) Fang is entertaining herself with her ipod, laughing like mad somemore -.- Crazywoman ~ Hui's peeping at my post, sms, msn now! Tsk. D: LOL!!

Say hi t Brendan's dogggggggggg! For once his dog looks cute ><'

Ahma & Ahyi

Okie, I'm gna go charge up my hp, psp & ipod now. :) Happy birthday Hui again! :D