Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Friday! :D

Almost late for school today, Mrs Tan at canteen damndamn kua zhang lah -.- Next week no CCA again, damn happy! :D Heh, Ky was damn funny during English lesson today! HAHAHAH! After school went to westmall to get my photos printed as well as my second helix. :D

The stupid CD did not work -.- Damn idoit, so I had to send it over manually. Damn long :/ Shall print th rest some other day :D We took so long to decided where to go next, toss coin somemore. LOL
Headed to Jp for Ljs. :D Idk why I always end up sitting in front of Irene! LOL Always eat until damn xinku D: Perlyn's cheeze flew off th table ~ HAHAH!

See the amount of chili Carlyn eats ~ LOL

Walked around after that, keep seeing Darren today! LOL

Trained to Joo Kun again & homed with Perlyn after that. :)

Slept straight after I reach home, damn tired :O Wokeup @ 7pm like that ? LOL Rah, my phone keypad like spoil spoil one ): Me wan w880i , its a damn old phone I know ~ LOL! But its super slim lah, 9.4mm ! Can keep inside wallet somemore sia. LOL! Nokia N79 is nice too. :D
Click : Nokia N79 . W880i