Saturday, August 22, 2009

If you ever get bored @ kfc ... HAHAH.
I'm using to blog now. :D My still doesn't work. -.- Common tests are over (?) But there's still Chemistry & Geog test next week. :( Went over to yy's house to do VE project yesterday, stayed till 8pm+ and bused to Westmall. (Baby's idea.) LOL The bus slow like dk what -.- Sit until I wna sleep lor. If I walked to Westmall, I would have reached dk what many mins earlier manzcxs! Reached home already 930pm, ate dinner & watch my 命中注定我愛你 ! :) Damn nice ~
Spent my past few days studying for tests. Geog common test was damn hard! D: First question idk how do liao lor. Sian until cannot. Tomorrow having tuition again :/ Ohhhh, I finally found the picture of Hotshot, the cartoon version! :D Got time can go drawdrawwww. :P
Ps : Help me click my advs, tyvm ~ (: