Sunday, February 7, 2010

Am I ?

Sad lor me today :( Sob.


I like my hair today, like finally its is good hair day ~ Hehe.
Grandma said i'm pretty today lor, must be my hair. :$ :$ :$ LOL! Still come touch my cheeks say I very fair.. LOL!
Hearing kf say her love story, woo ~ I'm gna have a wormie-in-law soon :PpPp!
Got like so many pictures today, hehe. Shall post them @ tumblr or :)
Feel like creating FAM, but have to pay 1mil den :( Heart pain. LOL
Off to eat cake, hehe. Like hungry only. I don't feel like sleeping tonight. :x Just changed my profile picture, hehe.

Time check - 3:18 am.
Bye, loves.

Edited @ 604pm -
Wee ~ I feel damn excited lor! Hehe.
I got sooooooo many things I wna do, but like suddenly I keep so busy :( Sob.
Full dress rehearsal on Wednesday, sian ttm -.- Started studying in the morning today, but.... they keep spaming my fb ! Wlaozx, make me distracted only. I comment back until itouch no battery lor -.- Off to Audition now, I wna faster lvl up ! Boo :( Stuck @ this level since lastyr.