Monday, February 22, 2010


Slept @ 2am lastnight, so tired pls :( Wanted to sleep abit during Mt, but idk why I just can't sleep. LOL.
Woo, msgmsgmsg & thn I left my phone in 4e2 ! :( Omg la, I only realise it when I went back to my class. Ran back to get it. :/
I'm always losing my phone, p5 also. Left my phone in the taxi -.- Wth pls, reach home for dk how long thn realise it. Zz
Didn't bring house keys, sob. So went over to Kf's hse, woo.
Took out my geog stuff but I fell asleep on th floor. Sob, she nvr offer me the bed lor. ;( Bad only.
HAHHA. Slept until 7pm, Ahma called me home for dinner, whee.
I'm craving for green apple now. Like everywhr also don't have, even @ home also! :(

Help me click on advs, tyvm ! :*