Sunday, March 28, 2010


" You can close your eyes to the things you don’t wna to see, but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t wna to feel. "

Plurked this, and I received so many smiley faces. :) Hehe.
I think my karma is moving damn slow cause it takes forever to reach 94 and I wna be in the 100club soon. :( :(
Went to westmall after remedial yesterday to find my emaths tys. Didn't bought it in th end, cause I realise my things always appear after I buy a new one, super waste of money. So we went Wattsin & bought earrings :D Hehe. Yay, I've got star earrings for my helixs now. :)
Finish making my chem notes for th upcoming test today. Hehe, so bored now, shall continue making my blogskin. :D Bai !