Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today's Pe is lame. We had to run 3.2km, damn lazy can :( Next few weeks got more running, omgz. After ss remedial it started to rain super heavily TT. Thunder & lightning like nobody's business, ji scarey pls. So we bused to westmall. Huhoo, my skirt & shirt somehow harden after being drenched ? Damn stupid I tell you. -.- All freezing cold in the bus :( Arghhh! Ate lunch, bought my things & homed @ 530pm.
Tried not to sleep but I still dose off while using th comp, hehe. Mummy took out everything inside my bag to wash cause the whole bag was wet too. Haha, but my bag like empty only ~ 1 jacket, bottle & pencil case. LOL! Currently playing HotelCity, so cute lor. I like to click on them when thy're sleeping :P