Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'll be there till the end of time,


Pride attracts the girl. Courage approaches the girl. Wisdom gets the girl.
Strength puts up with the girl.
But loyalty keeps the girl.

I think its true that the more we sleep, the more tired we are. :( Had Subway for lunch & homed early. (: so I slept my time away as usual. Went to study abit of Amaths. I forgot alot of things, argh! ):
Long + tiring + boring day tmrw. ): I think there's 2.4 run -.- Rah. Pe is during noon time, die of heat pls.
And I think I've tuition tmrw too.......... zzzzz


Her auntie style, forever kiap things there. LOL

Mt compo test agn, super hard laa. ): Anyhw choose topic & write. Started to dose off after awhile, hehe.
And when Rachael woke me up, classroom almost empty already. So shy! :$ Faster pack up & return back to my own class. LOL
Went home straight after school, didn't went for lunch with Carlyn & Irene. Woo, studied geog & did some maths. :)
Hate mye ttm. :( But no more remedials after tday! Happy ~


Mt letter writting test tday, too engross into the first part. Only left 15mins to finish up the
remainding piece ): Rush like mad. Had English vocab test too.

Sian, everyday like test only. Got back Physics test, overall not bad la. Mcq already 9/10 ! :P
After school went westmall to eat + study, wlaoooooo. So many funny things happened !! Laugh until so crazy!!

Hehe, thn I saw something ! Shy until I cannot lor :$
Hsh after that :)

Like 08th only, LOL !!!!
Shall end my post with this picture, byez! :D