Friday, May 21, 2010


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Got anybody jealous ????
Show's concert ley................. HAHAHA.
Block A11, row 11. Olvl seating arrangment also @ row 11.

Overslept tday. I think mummy allow me to skip school lor, but I still went cause of the mt paper. And it starts @ 8am. My god, rush until I wna die. Solo-ed to Mr.Kong :( ! Only Irene hear me solo before lor. Wlao, shy until I really cannot take it la. Argh!
Quickly went up hall, zw thy all keep laughing at me, cause I keep forgetting my index no. :( I hate fan seats! 2hours non stop of fan blowing, really can freeze until die la. D: Gotta remember to bring my jacket along for the next paper & olvls.
And my stupid dictionary spoilt during the paper -.- Damn irritated.
I think if my chinese vocab is better I can make my compo more touching lor. Write until I wna cry somemore.

My compo ended with .......................................

" 对不起,我爱你。"