Saturday, May 1, 2010

Today sucks.

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Goodbye my long nails, its so short now. :(
Stayed back for geog remedial tday, super boring :/ Wanted to find Irene after remedial but my phone batt was empty so I can't contact her. Like 3hrs later thn I got her sms. LOL! Busy sleeping away, heees. Can't stop sleeping this few days & idk why.

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I like the dslr laaa. :( Picturez that come out like nice only.

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Woo, I took this ! Wa, I think very nice leh. See th hand ! LOL

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But my helix nicer :D Although th bottom one still swell. ):

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Stayed back some day ago to finish up my geog homework. Wa, Natthawut + Shiying keep play with the flash. Omg, feel like one pop star. LOL!!

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@Some day ago : Studied in school for awhile thn went to eat Prata. Woo, I like using th curry to draw things on my plate :D hees. They all act one land before time, drink what milo dinosaur. LOL I think my longan / lychee taste btr. :D

@Yesterday : After ss & eng paper went for subway for lunch :D Woo. Damn high leh, I keep going crazy. :$ Laugh until my stomach cramp somemore, hehe. Now I know why my stomach got muscle le, still hard de okay! Stef keep saying I got 6 pecs :$ LOL

@Today : All tables & chairs rearranged so I went to sit at the back. Woo, feel so much more comfortable there la. Hehe, no more wh. :P
Still haven't decide which topic I should study for geog. Argh, haven't started on Science revision. Halfway through amaths only. :/ I should start studying soon & stop sleeping so much. LOL K bye, update some other time. :D


I keep laughing @ this, LOL.