Sunday, August 8, 2010

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Plurk knows its my birthday too, finally 16 ! Gna go watch some nc16 movies someday. (:

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Skipped school on Friday cause I think that few hours in schl is a waste of time. Damn motivated to study so the first thing I did when I wokeup was study, haha. Thn humans came over to my house to surprise me :$

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Thanks all! :D Other pix @ fb.

I spent my birthday eating & eating. Put on like 2kg ? LOL. Pepperlunch, Pizzahut, Kfc, cake.
Went orchard area today. Bought many things, happy girl. :D And I kept eating today too. Wa, fat leh. LOL

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Spent the lastday of July with Bobby.T :) Upload pix some otherday, I'm having problem uploading them now.
Olvl mt results coming out on the 11th, goodluck all. Hope I get at least a B4. :D Prep exams start next week, alot of studying to do & there're still endless test everyday, so irritating! :( Remember to click on my nuffnangs! Bye :D