Thursday, April 30, 2009

Exaaaaaaaaaaaams :/

English paper 1 & ss exam today. Why did they put this two papers tgt -.- SO much writing can! I shall do some typing now :D Anyway, I think I screwed eng paper like dk wad! Functional writing was ovr word limit like damn alot ! :/ I forgot thr's was a word limit until I finish writing my letter -.- Nbm, what makes it worst is that i got nth to write for compo! stupid questions! so hard to write on :x My comp was below word limit -.- Almost ran out of time for ss, okayokay. Hope I scoreeeeee ! :D I've been sleeping & sleeping th past few afternoons -.- Wakeup only after 6pm. and i can still fall asleep at 11pm++. So my life now is sch > sleep > study > eat > sleep. Im gonnna grow fat if this carries on -.- Tmr's labour day = hp hunting day! :) Samsung Ultra touch ~ Heh. :D

Can you find the black dot?
Saw this while bloghopping. See until dizzy.

Hui & Ahyi came up for dinnner :D Ahma cooked a super big pot of yong dao hu ! Daddy came home with satay riceeeee later on ! ♥ Yayyyyy! table filled with manymany foooood ! LOL Chatting with Perlyn on msn now, she's damn funnnny ! hahah ! :D Sumo, body slam ! HAHAH! okayokay, i going siao alr ! LOL freaking imeem changed all my songs to 30s ! Raah :/ I cnt sing along to my blogsongs le ~ :( LOL!!!


I guess khaeruddin is supplying th satay riceeeee rightttttt ! Hahah !
