Friday, May 15, 2009


Hehe, I just wokeup. :D Exams finally ended. (: Know our Physics paper1 marks today, dint really do well :/ Guess what im hearing now ? Thunders! Super long time since I heard it, yayyy ~ Its finally raining also! After exams tdy, went to jp :D We walked for like damn long lah, so when we go back we took to joo koon first so that we can find seats to sit. LOL! And irene almost cmi in th train agn :P

Yayyy, cut Irene away! :D

Ohyah, there was this stupid bian tai mirror! Anyhow reflect in people's skirt ! :/ Tsk! LOL!

Gonna have tuition on Sunday, boringggggg :/ Bought a ' pacifier ' today! Hehe :) Even daddy said it was cute! Intended to buy that gingerbread keychain, but ______. Fill in th blanks :D Aiyo, feng ren! LOL. No school on monday, which means Irene cnt lend me corner with love which means I can't watch my boyf :( Andand! Tues we'll be getting back our scripts D: Urgh! Andandand! I havent found my Lan Qiu Huo show! Damn bored now :/ Worst still, I can't sign in msn now -.- Lucky thr's Brendan to entertain me on the phone. :D I'm trying to increase my karma (: Jy karma! Sports heat is coming, papa ): I wan a new phone! Blingbling! :D Heh.