Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sugar ! :P

I want need a new watch, mine is like super black now lah :/ Shouldnt have bought a white one -.- Hehe, this is nice :D Mummy can thank me for helping her play her Audition just now by buying this for me ! :P I help you earn so much den leh. So nice okaaay, my hp can wait. No rush buying ~ I'm happy with this old fone :D So buy my watch ah ^^. I know your reading this ~ :D

There's a pink version also, but I think this two are nicer :D Blingbling leyyy ~

Edited :D

Boyf. ♥
Its mirror image, that's why everything is latterly inverted.

Mummy says: Im Jolin Tasi ! :D

Webcaming w. Brendan :D

Lazy post up other pictures! Will do it when im free. (: Gonna go Arcade tmr! Yay ! :D I hope I can get tat single eyeball softoy! Super cute I tell you :D Big head, small body ! Hehe, mummy owes me $15. Return me asap hor ~ hehe :P

Luvzcxs :D
I still cant draw my boyf ): He damn hard to draw lah, haiyo D: