Monday, May 18, 2009

No school ! :D

Wrote this on Bren's comp, hehe.

Hehe, I suddenly feel like blogging cause I've got nothing to do now :/ Gna leave home @ 11.30am. Daddy came home w/o my breakfast! ): How evil is that, so I'm starving now T.T Breakfast is th most impt meal lorh, raaaaah :/ Just bathed out :D Today's weather feels fine ~ Not hot at all ! :) Or maybe cause its still early. LOL Edited pictures & uploaded them to my ipod, looks screwed in ipod -.- Gna go find all th original pictures & trans ovr. LOL Waste my time :/ Okie, 1130 alrd. Byeeeee ! :)
Editing my post now at Bren's house, his comp is sure cool lorh. Wo yao! I almost forget to bring my wallet out tdy -.- Lucky daddy reminded me. But ! I left my Ezlink card at home -.- Wth lah, idk how im gna go home :/ Checked out th new arcade with Bren jus now :D Thr's a lan thr, hehe ^^ Ate tutu after playing :D Stupid bren spilled ice on me -.- Omgggggggg :/ Spill alrd nbm, pour th drink out frm th can for me also spill -.- LOL! I like his comp ! Can drawdraw de, touchscreen de lorh. Screen so big somemore! Go die lah you, get so nice comp! ><'

Bren's new comp, the pen thr is to drawdraw on th screeeeeeen ~

Since I didnt get any one eyed softoy, I bought Teddy ! :P Super cute okay!

Lazy upload th rest already. Plus im super sleepy now :/ Gna sleep early tonight!