Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Run baby run! :D

Short post before I go to bed, I'm really damn tired :/ LOL! Got back most of our results tdy, passed some papers I dint expect myself to pass :P Hehe, just pass is btr thn fail laaaah. Failed Chinese & Phyics overall. Not surprising, I noe i'll fail ! Went to bukit gombak stadium today, bought our food & drinks thr to eat. Just nice finish eating, th guard chase us out -.- Say thoes YOG people gna come train. So we went thr for picnic only. LOL! I dropped my hp thr lorh :/ Got once my hp flew out of my hands can -.- This hp life very hard! Drop 3 times alrd nth happen :D Went ovr to cck stadium & met Ming Siew thr. (: So Carlyn, Irene, Ming Siew & I were practising running. Idk why instead of my legs being achy, my butt ached :/ Supersuper suan I tell you! Having hard time to sit dwn -.- Gna go sleep alrd ! :D Hehe, more results tmr!