Friday, May 22, 2009


Hehe, restaurant city finally leveled up :D 19 now ~ Yay! Waiting for my videos to be dwnloaded into ipod, talking forever also -.- Damn slow! Im hearing tiaktiaktiaktiak sounds coming from th hall, mummy is spaming her keyboard! LOL Play Audition until feng diao alrd. Hahah! Called daddy to fetch me home tdy cause I really cnt walk -.- Th plaster keep got pushed up and thn I cnt stick it back cause its not sticky anymore. -.- My shoe bhind got blood stain somemore lor, damn gross! :/ LOL! Hehe, Im getting more tan each day :D I think is cause of th running, always under th sun ~ LOL! Gna go Botanic Gardens tomorrow :D Double tan ! LOL. Im gna go sleep now, nights ! :)