Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jacob Ballas

Gna go sleep after I post. (:
Mummy said I hit her 3times lastnight while she was trying to remove my earpiece. Oops :x I sleeping mah, dk what I doing also :P

Went to attend mummy's friend's baby's birthday party @ Jacob Ballas. Got a super cute balloon there! :D Flower one, hehe.

This bridge was super shakey lah :/
*Mummy & I crosses*
Me : Eh, stop shaking it leh. -.-
Mummy : Hahah! I nvr, is th thing shake by itself!
Me : LOL!!
*After crossing finish*
Me : I feel th ground like still shaking leh ?
Mummy : Yah ! I also!

The white thing coming out from th leaves on th right picture is actually water! Super cool, cold water somemore leh :D
There was some maze thing & then mummy & I got stuck inside :/ Turn & turn until I dizzy lor! D:

The cube thing can form pictures :D - My super cute flower ! ^^

Toliets- Th sinks and tolietbowl is super small & low okay! LOL

Super small chair & Birthday Cake :D

Headed over to IMM after th party to buy my new watch :D BUT! There wasn't any stock -.- So nevermind, headed to LazerFlair to find my Lan Qiu Huo DVD. No stock also ~ Everything also meiyou! :( Bought food & jellies to eat while walking around ~ Went back home after that (: Helped mummy played alot rounds of beatrush battle party lor. Winwin ~ :P Hehe. I think Brendan brought home my hp by accident :/ Omg lah!

Daddy asked me to censor off his face ~ LOL
Good night people ! (: Gna wakey early tomorrow! :/