Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Birthday ! :D

Selamat Hari Jadi ! (:

Timecheck, 11:32pm. Hehe, I was sleeping since 7pm++ damn tired this few days :/ Wokeup at 10pm++ , went to check my hp. Daddy sms-ed me that he will be buying back satay rice, ask me don't sleep le ><' Yayy, counted my dinner also lor ? Damn full now :/ Went t cele khaeruddin's birthday tdy earlier on in th afternoon, stupid Marshall thy all take so long t come! -.- Late t close thn 1hr lor. School holidays are coming! (: Alotalot of homework can -.- Choir resumes already :( Ahh! Damn sian :/ Idk what t do now -.- Everyone is preparing t sleep & I'm like super awake. Omg lah! I think i'll off comp & watch Corner with love on my ipod (: Ohyah, Irene & I were writing out song lyrics tdy. Hehe, funfun :D Okay, tata people! (: Its 12am already, lucky its Wed tmr, at least I get t wakey an hour later. LOL!