Thursday, May 28, 2009

Financial Literacy

Went t school tdy, Financial Literacy course th wholeday. Rather fun ? :D Partner with Baby! (: We damn lucky lor, got doctor as our jobs :D 30k ~ Starting we damn high de lor, thn after awhile sian diao le ~ Cause th whole game is actually buying & selling stocks t earn money t buy shops / houses. -.- LOL We had 664.8k in th end, not bad lah hor ? :P Our team name was ' Win Carlyn ! ' Yayy, we won! :D Hehe. After th course, Mr Chan > Physics remedial > Sweet talk > MC for lunch. (: At MC th time damn funny lor, really lmao-ing away le ~ Idk how Khaeruddin tahan sitting in front of Irene when we were eating that day -.- LOL! Anyway, if you realise, th weather is getting mre cooling :D Partly is bcos of Irene's singing. LOL! She sing nia, sure rain de. ><'

Watch my stupid baby !