Friday, May 29, 2009

Use our hands campaign


My comp is being such a idiot tdy -.- It keeps lagging for idk wad reason, damn pissed. Didnt want t go sch tdy but mummy dont lemme skip it -.- I also cnt get back report bk, go also no use ~ Anyway, use our hands campaign tdy, Irene, Adrian, me & 2 other 1n1 guys were cleaning th stairs area. That cute boy not thr de. Tsk! LOL Yeaah, we were aiming our rags into th pails! LOL Followed Adrian in th boys toliet t collect water ~ :P Adrian came out of th cubicle half wet, damn funny I tell you! Hahah, after sch went t Westmall t find my mother. Keep chasing me de her -.- I already walk damn fast lor, keep ask why I havent reach! LOL Bought my new watch thr (: Yay! Nice :D Walked back t sch t find Mrchan t get my reportbk. Irene's father is a joker! Now I know why Irene is so funny!

I was rofl-ing away when I was watch this part! Damn funny can!