Monday, June 1, 2009

Video & Hotel 626.

Irene keep say she very pretty when she saw this video. Tsk :/

Mwaha :D Wokeup @ 645am today,
bathe > comp-ed > train dwn t bb MC for bf :D
Dint expect Irene t reach earlier thn me! She has sexy voice tdy ~
Hehe, I got a clearer video :D Yay! Laughed like mad @ MC again, took me so long t finish my burger lah :/ Headed for Mr Aw's Physics remedial, sat with Carlyn :D

- Carlyn sees me drawing th Photobucket
Carlyn : Why u use this colour draw ? o.o
Vivian : Haha ! This colour draw le look like real tattoo colour ma. LOL!

After Physics remedial went t Vivo :D My leg was damndamn pain ! :( I had th urge t remove my shoes & jus walk with my socks :x LOL Irene say vivio high class place canot lidaat -.- LOL! Th stupid plaster got pushed up -.- Pushed up nbm leh, stick onto th wound somemore :/ So i pressed dwn th back of th shoe & stepped on it! :D So much more comfy t walk with lah! I think no one realise it lor ? Everything white colour de. LOL!

Me luvzcxs my new phone :D

And my new watch ! :D

Fang & Hui came up t find me :D Hees, drawings on post it notes. :)

Me have been teaching Fang how to play Cai Hong :D I wna earn some fees from there leh, end of th month collect from you :P Heees. Just tried out Hotel626. Haha, at first damn funny can! Cause th starting is walking thn th side got alot of rooms so we thought it was some show, so we were all covering our eyes! Thn sudenly there was this " Try again / Skip " button. LOL! We thn realise tat we had t play th game ><' First time was damn scarey -.- Covering our eyes at almost everything. LOL! After th game ended, we decided t try another time. Me so pro sia! Pass so many stages lor ^^ Thn th ghost got no chance t come out. Mwaha! :D