Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Fun day today! :)
Waited at bus-stop for Carlyn, walked t Irene's house. She dint believe we were really dwnstairs. LOL! Walked t sch tgt, chemistry remedial started @ 9am, I tot was 830 okay -.- Aft Physics remedial headed t Lot1 :D
Lunched @ Foodcourt ~
Omgzcxs, Irene introduced us t some fire food :/ LOL! Th fire will like come out de lah! :( Hehe, Carlyn always help me carry my food. Tyyyyyyyy! ♥

Shared Ice Kachang with Irene & Carlyn after meal. :) Stupid Irene keep make th ice become water lor -.- Part of th ice kachang drop onto th table somemore! :/ LOL Damn damn funny! Went t check out th SkyPark at th top floooor. :) Niceeeeee ~
Lot1 SkyPark.




Headed t cck stadium, slacked around before running ~
Turn up your volume! :) Full blast please, th videos are soft :/

Yong Qi Part 1.

Yong Qi Part 2.

Bei Pan. :)

Zui Jing Hai Hao Ma.

Kiss Goodbye.

Shuo Ai Ni.

Yay! Finally uploaded them already. :) So long lah! :/ Me gna go eat my satay rice now! :D