Friday, June 5, 2009

Boring :/

Stayed home th wholeday. Damn boring I tell you! :( Koofang was a great entertainer! :D We were talking about ___. You know, I know can le ^^ *inserts evil laughters* :P HAHAHAHAH. So anyway, im waiting for mummy t come home as well as my dinner :/ I'm damn hungry now T.T Just at alot of Mango Jelllllllly! Tat's th only food available in th fridge -.- Hehe, mayb gna go koofang's school's funfair tmr! She made it sound so exciting lor, gu yi temp wo de! :/ She say she'll sponser tickkkkkets :D Hehe. Was trying to find all my blingblings just now, messssed th cupboard up ><'' Took me so long t pack bak lah! If not mummy see le sure ___ :/ LOL!! Okaay, back to stone-ing mode :( Stupid Brendan is not replying any of my sms -.- Zzz. Daddy is getting idiotic. Hate staying at home with him!