Monday, June 15, 2009

Boo people! :D Heeees, last night's atmosphere was damn high! ( In my room ) LOL. Can't stop laughing! Stupid Bren had endless comments about Lady Gaga -.- Seriously! Like damn alot! He even imagine her as a school teacher okay -.-
Bren : Wah, thn hor if she bcome school teacher thn we need greet her like this ..
" Good... morning... Miss... Ga...Ga... "
Vian : LOL -.-
Bren : Thn later she bcome our music teacher over thr ask who know how to sing poker face ? Thn alot of people raise their hands laah, including me.
Vian : zzz.
Bren : *starts singing poker face already* He even made th intro sound lor!
Vian : LMAO!!!
Yeaah, I played th recording of him singing earlier on in th day t let him hear. His reaction was like " OMG! DONT LET ANYONE HEAR! I SING UNTIL SO ERXIN " LOL! Damn funny lah! Thn he keep taking away my blanket ? -.- Stupid. Thn Bren was super worried I would sleep before him so he kept making me talk t him. I lazy reply nia, snatch away my hp -.- Go read my inbox somemore -.- Whenever I put dwn my hp Bren will keep " Eh, you gna stop msging le ah ? " Lol, anyway! Last night's sms content was damn funny! All about th surnames. :P
Ohhhhhhhhh!!! Bren keep say he can't sleep ? So I ask him t count sheeps -.- He really did okay! LOL About 200 sheeps ? LOL! Thn he slept alrd. Flagday on Wed, lazy t go! :/ Gotta start on my holiday assignments & tuition work now! :( Byeeeee!
