Friday, June 12, 2009

Sentosa Trip. :)

I'm backkkk! Super tired. Got a super big mozzie bite but its okie cause I got tannnn :D
Met @ our house dwnstairs, everyone kept going back up th house to take things thy forget -_- Wore my clip on colour extensions that day. :) Heees, Fang & Hui went back up to take theirs too. Pumped up th tyre & petrol before heading to sentosa! Checked in th hotel, took pics before we went to look around th place.

All of us were given a bottle of mineral water. Heees, my bottle number was 1111 :D
Went to Imbiah lookout next :D

Luge photos.
Hui's with th red helmet! :) I've got th blue one :D

Luge Luge ! :D

SkyRide photos :D
Bought this photo thy took for us. :)
Up next, we went to watch Pirates @ CineBlast. Its a 4D show. ( With sound & Motion. )

After th show, we had our dinner @ Sarpinos Pizza. :)


While eating halfway, Brendan came over to find us. He miss out so much fun. So late thn come!

One of the rides beautifully lighted up during the night :) headed back to th hotel as there won't be any bus after 10.30pm

There was arcade there :D Tried out DDR w. Brendan. :)

I like th pink light! :D So niceeeee ~
Raced against Hui & I won! Yay.

Played bball there too, sweat like helllllllllll. -_- LOL
Went to th internet kiosk after playing. :)

Went back t0 our hotels after that. Heeees, bcos I was sweating so when I went into th hotel room it was damn cold lah :/ So mummy let me wear th robe. LOL Th rest followed too. So we ending up taking alot of pics in it. Cute! :D



Went to bathe after that, got my fav show on tv sia ! ^^ First episode somemore :D
Happy happy ! :) Ohhhh, somehow Sentosa was filled with people from India ? Like th whole population came over to Singapore okay -.- Seriously! Not like im racist or wad lah, but thy are damn x1000000 irritating. Zzz, thy talk super loud. Their eyes, idk where thy grow on -.- You're like infront of them & thy can jus knock u like that, wad sia ? -.- Thn u seeing things, thy don't see ur thr, jus try to sqzeeue u out so that thy can see. Brrrrrr! :@

Couldn't stop sneezing tdy -.- Brendan got dragged out with th Adults for bf. HAHAH. So th rest of us slept in :D Damn tired lah :/ Slept damn late last night :x Adults ordered room service for us, super yummy! :) Th bowls were supersupersuper big. Too bad, Fang lost th pic. So I don't have any too cause I was busy eating away.

Bren saw th two peacocks while having his bf, so he took all these pics dwn. :)


Enough pictures, Heees. Got ready and headed t th beach. :D Regretted wearing this shirt tdy, now there are two distinct colours at my arm :(

I wanted to try th boat tingy, ( th blue & yellow colour tings bhind.) but underage. So we headed off to cycle! :D

Ahma & Fang went back to th hotel as thy didn't noe how to ride.

Icecream! :) It melted all ovr my hand lah -.- Sun was supersuper hottttttt!
Fang & Ahma joined us later. :D We headed to th underwater world next! :D

First, we went t th touchpool area. We get to touch starfish & fishes. LOL

Me & Bren trying t touch th starfish, LOL The tank was super deep! I even had t lift up my slevee, so that it will not get wet. Dint really dare to touch it cause I scared ltr thy got hidden torns or what thn poke me :( LOL

See wad happen t th poor starfish ! LOL Bren kina dropped it, and it ovrturned. Th starfish felt like stone! Hard like dk wad!

After that, we went t feed stingrays! Thy come super suddenly lor, xia si ren :( *screams*

Fang guyi wan th guy hold her hand de lor ~ LOL! Faithful abit lah! :x LOL

This crab is super huge in realife!

Rainbow crabs.

Seahorse. :) Th colour look like baby sweetcorn leh ? LOL!

Idk what are all these. LOL Forgot alrd.

Super disgusting :/ LOL Its a octopus sticking on th tank!

There are many big fishes thr!

Sharks too!
And of course, pretty jellyfish ! :)

There are some fish that lives at super cold temperature. 2DegressCel.

Thy are called th sea angel. :) Veryvery small type of fish. Th light is actually them.

This creature is kept inside a tank, we are allowed t go in it!

Hui , Fang , Bren.

Me & Bren.

Saw this before we left, Super huge tortise!

Had small snacks @ HotDog King. & bought a heart-shape design slipper there.

After that, we went to watch the pink dolphines. :) Reached early, so I came online & chatted with Irene. :D Didnt take any pictures of th dolphines cause th weather was super hot! Busy fan-ing myself away. LOL
After th show, we went to play Desperados! Took this while waiting for th bus to come. Th whole station was flooooooooded with Indians! At least 7 bus-es came okay -.- Too many for them to fetch le. LOL So we were waited at one corner first.

Its smiliar, a 4D show. But its a game here. You ride on this horse & try to shoot ppl dwn.
So yeah, we were shooting with one hand & th grabing th 'fake horse' tight LOL. Thy actually calculated th pts we had & took pic of us!! Super candid shoot :O Th one with th least point will bcome a donkey. LOL! Koohui !!! Haha.

I came in first with a point of 98. :) And Bren didn't believe. LOL
Thy gave us our 'medals'. HAHAH.

Bren's medal. He came in 3rd! Not bad lah, so young can shoot le. LOL! 2nd was some Indian fellow. After that, we went to play th Luge & Skyride agn! :) This time only Bren, Hui, Ahyi & I went. Th rest waited for us.

Hui, ahyi & Bren. :)
Because it was Hui & I's third time so we decided t go even faster! Alot faster! And our expression are damn funny lah! LOL

Hui , Me , Ahyi.

Skyride next! :)
Sat w. Bren, idk why th ting would suddenly stop & swing like helllll ! Scare me like dk what ! :(

Took this pic from up thr, heeees.

Bought th photo thy took for us. :) After th horible ride, we went t subway for dinnnner!

7 breaaaads ! LOL
After that, we went back cause it was getting late. Arcade-ed again. Played alotalot rounds of bball. Hand ached like dk what -.- LOL Cause im not tall enuf, I had to tip toe to play, leg ached alot too ! LOL Played car racing w. Hui agn too. :)

Was messaging w. stupid Zhu Jionghuai tdy, keep cheat my feelings de lor! Go die ~
Went to bathed after that, omg lah! Had a hard time removing my shirt cause I can't lift up my hand. LOL Ate our subway cookies, watched tv & slept. :)

Random drawing by Brendan. LOL ~

Also our last day there, daddy came to join us today! :D To balance out my skin colour wore sleeveless shirt tday. LOL



After checking out, went to rent bikes agn. :)
This time Fang joined us, daddy cycled her while mummy cycled Hui. :D

Bren banged into alot of tings ! HAHAH. Damn funny lah he!
See girls w. Bikini luan bang le. Tsk, ROFL.
Mummy & Daddy tried teaching Fang, Hui how to ride but because there wasn't enough time we have to return th bikes. We went to some water place to play water! Daddy was using his slipper to splash water at me -.- Omg!!! Zz, so I did it back! LOL

Resting ~ Me, Daddy, Hui, Mummy

Super big lizard, didn't get t see it. Cope this picture from Fang.
Not much pictures tdy, cos we left Sentosa after cycling.

Wanted t try this out but mummy said it's someting like rollercoaster, so gave it a miss. :O

Yeaah, and lastly! Byebye sentosa ! :)
Yeaah, now that I've got 157 pictures for u to see, hlp me by clicking my ads! Tyyy! :D