Friday, June 26, 2009

Caaaaaamp. ~

We left weekends before school starts! Damn fast lah, one month just flyyy ~ Im gna go cut earsticks later. LOL Me don't want school t start lahzcxs :( Everyday so late thn can go home!
Played Audition last night. :D Thn me decided t go try sleep yi xia. Can't sleep, so use psp blog hop. Use awhile nia, no batt le -.- zz. Me don't dare go hall find charger :/ So conti msg, khaeruddin pangseh-ed me! :( Anyhow drive Ferrari go fetch girl somemore. Tsk! HAHAH!
Yeah, so me replied koofang saying that i'm gna go sleep now. (jk tone.) While waiting for her t reply, I really fell asleep! YAY! 2am only leh! Great improvement! HAHAHA :D She go send me a 7-sms long msg -.- Wlao! All th crap! LOL. She say that time I spam her, so now she return me back. -.- LOL!!
Tuition tomorrow and tomorrow the tomorrow! LOL. Damn sian, I keep feeling hungry today -.- Must be past few days th hungry-ness come le. LOL

See th contrast! Her house was damn dark lah! Me keep telling her, her house ting dian she don't blive! :/ Hahah! Damn long nvr see me in glasses le :D
Im feeling damndamn full now, I happen t jus finish my dinner when daddy came back with satay rice ~ So me of cos is straight away go eat lah -.- LOL I made th rice flew somemore -.- Yup, flew. Daddy got so mad cause th gravy spilled on th floor & table. And because it was him who mop-ed th floor tdy. LOL! After satay rice, daddy made me eat apple. -.- I'm gna vomit alrd D:

Yayzcxs, me got readers from other country! :) LOL.