Wednesday, July 1, 2009


MT lesson today was damn idiotic -.- Me is super sure she's having pms! LOL. Keep us back for so long! No book nia, copy th wrds out 10times -.- You noe th holiday assignment last page all th boxbox one, all of it 10times leh. Wthzcxs, me pen ink ytd jus buy one okay -.- 2pm+ thn leave school tdy when school suspose t end at 1240pm! :@
Me like brown eyeballllllll. :) My lens is gna expire in like 27days. So sad! :( Billy's in 17 days ? You zi ji go rmb hor, by thn I sure forget liao. Our new English teacher really look like X. -.- Sian, tmr 2 periods of MT again! Can die! Zz. Okay lah, I go watch tv liao :D Byebye!