Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today's weather damn nice to sleep lah, but me can't sleep now. If not tonight don't need sleep again. :( MT today was better, no pms. :D Slacked around in class before remedial starts. Me forget to get th picture from Darren! Raah, tmr thn get from him. Me saw so many people in th morning today! Like first time! HAHAH. Koofang, Koohui @ voiddeck, Perlyn's car was behind mine, me alight from car nia straight saw Marshall & Jianhong, go locker saw Waileng & Yilin, just nice leaving meet dao Irene! LOL Mrchan was damn funny today again!
Chan : Wah, whose boyf waiting outside ? Got 2 somemore!
Chan : Vivian your want ah ?
Viaan: Huh ?! LOL
Chan : Dangerous leh, got 2. Must ask liang popo protect you.
HAHAAH, Irene's liang popo! She lost her voice for like 3 days already! Stupid Marshall keep pull my rubberband out today :@ Me so sway somemore, going station th time meet dao Marshall & Billy -.- Tomorrow must bring extra rubberband le. LOL Gna take height & weight for PE. Omgzcxs -.- Me is super sure Jianhong will say about th " Aiai ju le bu " lah. Stupid! Me want Domokun pencil caseee ~
