Friday, July 3, 2009

Ooh baby baby ooh, babybaby ooh love! :D
Lessons today was damn boring espically physics! Stupid -.- Me tb at home so stand for one period, backache -.- LOL! PE was damndamn funny I tell you! All laugh till peng! After taking height & weight we went t th indoor sports hall. Me was sitting at th sofa, yup, sofa at indoor sports hall ~ LOL! Got that home feeling lor! Thn like watching some sports channel. HAHAH. Me knock my elbow on th wall damn damn hard! :( Even Carlyn heard that knock sound lah. :/ Pain like hell! T.T Lucky me bone strong sia ~ LOL!!! Went home damn early today, feels so weird lah. Dosed off till 4pm+, gna turn into pig liao lor. Everyday keep sleeping & sleeping! -.- Me wna go out, baby this monday ? :D LOL.