Monday, December 14, 2009


Currently waiting for my cafe food to be cooked. Haha, facebook like suddenly so fun. I must play first thn can study. LOL! I cannot stop hearing 新不了情. Oldies you know, but like so nice please ~
Rashes are back :( I dont like! All over my hands & legs :( So itchy, at first I thot was mozzie bite, keep put and put mopiko ! -.- LOOOL! Daddy went to the clinic to get my cream today cause the one I use previously expired already. AND ! I put the wrong cream by accident. zzz, go apply the expired one -.- Diao ttm !
Mummy thinks im allegy to my .....

MANICURE ! ~ LOLLLL !! So funny leh :x

Haha, anyway this picture of Brendan look like girl right ! Still got pose-y de ! HAHAHA !

He's slimming down liao, jiayou leh ! :>