Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Yay !

Ytd's pic, lol. Bren say his Pj very ugly, so must hide bhind me :x Mine not any btr pls ~ LOL

Heh, retest finally over ! :> Din't really study chemistry yesterday, busy playing Audition. :/ After removing my manicure I can chain like siaoz ! Happy manz :D At least its worth something, lolll. Miss my long nails, thy file off my real nail & the gel nail :( So short now.
Ahh, I wna faster lvl 34 :( Now like every lvl you up, get some acash stuff ~ LOL ! Lastime don't have lor, hai wo spent hundreds on Audition. Feel so stupid now :( Blah.
Watched Alvin & the chipmunks today :> Otw home happen to see Perlyn again! 我们好有yuan oh ~ Haha, so we went to her house. Perlyn's ahma damn funny lahz, she keep commenting on the uni. LOL ! And sx don't understand a single thing she said ! LMAOOOOO ~ FUNNNY TTM ! Haha, heng I still can speak hokkien ! ^^b
Went home after that, Brendan sleeping like dead pig -.- LOL ! I shouted his name twice he str8 wakey ! Hahaha, his reaction super funny ^^ Thn keep disturbing him, after that I went to sleep he disturb me back :(
Edittttttt !
Heee. Went to train Audition just now, my chance sucks :( Blahz, trained with mummy & brendan but thy left aft a few games :( lollllll, so bad !

Hehz, see Brendan's score ! LOOOL :b
He kicked me in Audition just now, urgh ! Hate him :(
Super in love with G-dragon's heartbreakerrrrrr, so nice to hear ~ :D