Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening.
Love like you’ve never been hurt and live like it’s heaven on Earth.

School today, Physics was okie. Cheer after that, not so bad. Whoo ~
Subway as lunch before going home. Ko straight, until tuition tcher came. He said 'very good' to me thrice lehzx. And he said that I'm studying hard th past few months. HAHAHAHA!! I feel so motivated now pls. No need for the Adam's Khoo workshop already. LOL!
Dinner @ Kfc, I think my sorethroat got worse ;( Sob. Even yawn also will pain -.-
Kf gave me her drumstick, hehe! Full ttm la ~ Kept laughing during dinner, choke by the Sprite. Zz, I can feel like got bubbles in my nose lor !!!! LOL Movie next Thursday! :D Gna watch being human being, 做人.
Was doing homework just now, so much ! -.- Intend to finish all of them today.
English oral presentation starting soon, I scared :/
I want helix piercings la :( Gna go buy earrings next week. I jealous kf's pink earring. LOL!
I wna buy wallet also, whoo! That studded braclet ~ Hehehe. My V-ring & jacket !
Pending request for so long le can, HAHAA !!!
Stupid sorethroat come @ wrong time -.- I got like so many packets of cookie to finish lor. LOL!! My subway, little jerry's cookie, some other star cookie I just bought. Woooo, 3 packets! Too much heaty food will get pimples somemore leh ;( Tsk.
Plus now weather suddenly become so hot! Sweat more = more oil = more pimples ;(