Thursday, April 8, 2010


Short update. :)
  • Speechday is tmrw, finally. Mye starting, guess I should really start studying too.
  • Paid 100% attention during maths class, and I understand every single bit Mrchan teaches. HEHE!
  • Late for school today agn, really overslept this time. And not because I wna skip class. Oh and its a new term so thy recount all my late comings. Today first time late leh. HAHA!
  • Carlyn was late too so we accompanied her to do her dc cause she left her ezlink card with them, while Irene & I played with a coin. Omg la, super accurate lor. Head or tail ~
  • Hsh after that. :)
  • Went to meet Michelle around 8pm @ station and idk why during the night I always cannot recognise my way -.-