Friday, April 9, 2010

Woo, speechday tday. And I think I'm super sway laa. Like seriously.
After school went home. Sleep > Bathe > Eat.
I was late so we missed the train, oops. Waited for 6mins before th next train came -.-
Reach bbatok, th rain keep getting heavier & heavier until its super heavy. So the 5 of us ran all th way back to school. Totally drenched, arghhz. And th moment I was about to step into the school, I SLIPPED! :@ Right in front of th school gate. -.- Omgomg.
Sob la, and thn my knee bleeded. :( Whatv, continue running ~ LOL. All late already.
Went choir room to put our things first thn the toliet. Was using th handryer to blow dry my super wet hair. LOL 3rd floor toliet auntie forever that irritating. Super pissed off I tell you! :@ Arghhz.
First chase us out of th tcher's toliet thn th student's toliet, like wtf pls. :@ Keep say she wna mop th floor -.- Floor already wet still wna mop what sia. Blahblah. She keep thinking after we wash our hands we'll wet th whole floor agn and we're just tie-ing our hair lor. Where come the water -.- Omg, cannot stand her. I was like ... " We're already super wet, we won't want to get any wetter. So we won't wet your floor " She bwg, hehe :D
Stupid gown so long keep touch my wound. :( Pain until can die, LOL. Asked around for plaster & nobody has it. -.- Sian. Its swollen now lor, all th blood stain still there. I dont dare wash th wound. :'( :'(
Wore my black heels for performance, hehe. I think it make me taller by alot cause th rest's heels are not that high. Yay ! :D
My phone got wet like thrice today, omg. And I think it freezed in the choir room. Th touchscreen wasn't working at all, my keypad was no longer transparent, its misty. LOL
Waited for it to defrost, hahaha. I hope my phone won't spoil, really :( It dropped when I fell too. Ahh !