Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today is a fruitful day.

Yesterday's 160410.

X-country was canceled tday & lessons as per normal. Went to Kfc for breakfast! Woo, finally get to eat th am meal. :P
The porrige was super hot la. Scald my tongue :( Its still numb now. -.- zz.
Went Popular to get th things we wanted & sent Carlyn off to the bus-stop before going Bbatok's csc for bowling.
Omg la, its like super nice lor! I cannot stop commenting on th place. Argh, really damn nice! Like resort!

Went Clark Quey just to buy Sticky, hehe. There like lomantic only lor. Wlao eh, my first time spent with Irene. Zz. HAHHA! Jk.
Didn't really watch how I spent my money so I end up spending like all my money. Went home with coins only. Pathetic much.

Not enough money to buy those in jar, so I bought them in packet. Ex lor :(

Roamed around Clark Quay. Alot of nice spot to take pictures lor. Sob la, my camera spoil. :( Gna psycho daddy to buy me a new one! :P Yay!
And we seriously look like tourists there lor, HAHAHAHA. So many ang mo there, shy :$ Got one take our picture somemore! :$

Woo, super candid la. I snap it by accident. LOL Oh yay, can finally keep back long nails now. :D

Wlao, Irene keep wna go into a shop that sells bear only. Wtf, the bears look damn real la. Freak me out only. ): Super scarey can. I think thy use real bear skin to make also, eww. Those bears even have paws la. Nails sharper thn mine somemore. Zzz Argh! Hate bears!

I just realise I'm really very thin la. Oops.

Trained home after I spent my last $2 on a Prawn Tempura. Damn nice to eat la! :D
Raining again, came home slept until 9.13pm, LOL! Tired ttm.