Thursday, April 15, 2010

Many pursue happiness, while others create it.

Busy (post it)ing @ canteen, hehe :P

Tday's timetable totally sucks. :( Arghh, so tiring la.
O'lvl chem spa after school, not as tyco as th first spa. Guess wrong answer :( But I did try heating th solution up this time round :D
Hehe, I was wondering why th solution boil so quickly, thn I realise its my hand shaking and not cause its boiling. LOL!
Banged straight into th locker while walking cos I was too engross in talking, omg la. Superb pain. And Irene hit my nose, wlaooo. :( :(
Went dance studio to collect back our phones, damn tired. Lie down rest awhile. Hehe.
Slacked around canteen until 430pm thn went Pastamani for lunch! :D Damn hungry tday, idk why. I never felt full at all.
Chit-chat until it started to rain. Lighting, thunder like static electricity lor. HAHA! Physics ~
And th wind keep trying to blow me away, so strong manz! Argh. :(
I feel broke now, everyday all th expensive meals. Wlao, thn keep buy this buy that. Arghz. I needa claim money from mummy ! :P
Shall go straight home after school from next week onwards. Save money + study ! :D