Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Decide what you want & go for it.

  • Weather is super hot. Can die leh, rain more please !
  • Napfa's 5 stations after remedial tday, I think overall not bad. :P
  • I've got A for everything except standing board jump. I can't jump far, arghhhz.
  • I think my sit & reach improve alot, reached till 51cm leh! :P Shuttle run also improve :D Today on form la, HAHA!
  • Went opposite to eat + drink. Irene lent me her pink umbrella home cause it was raining super heavily & idk how to close it after using! -.- LOL
  • Super scared I'll fall agn, floor really damn slippery laaa! Hsh, dinner. :) Yay.
  • Did abit of homework only, tired ttm lor today. ): Stomach starting to ache already, so fast! GAH!