Friday, May 7, 2010

There is beauty in endings even if we don’t want to admit it at times.

Phy & emaths exam tday. Emaths is easy la! (Y) All like primary school work. HAHHA.
Phy first qn already cmi, omg. I seriously think I can get 0. If I know the paper would be this hard, I wont even bother waking up @ 3am to study.
Think until my head wna brust ): Jianhong keep tapping his foot, omg. Super irrritating + distracting. LOL I tsk him he still cheh me back! Wa, LOL. After exams went to eat @ Pastamania :D Heees, laugh until I full lor. Carlyn tday super joker! Seriously can't stop laughing! Went to shop for her cousin's present too @ manymany place + Tom and Stephanie.
Waaaa, inside damn attractive. Got everything I want leh! Omg. HAHAHA. Got balloon, bubble, toys! So many tweety somemore. Go liao like high only, woo. Went Mac to chat afterthat, din't know both of them so daring la. :x Almost all type roller coaster also dare sit.

I rmb I sat one rollercoaster a few yrs ago, Space Mountain @ Bangkok & Hk disneyland. Super scarey! ): Its like trying to throw you out laa! Keep knock here knock there, my butt keep sliding around ~ LOL Everyone all screaming like madz, but I super quiet. LOL
My mother screaming halfway suddenly call my name, wna check if I'm still thr. HAHA!
Meeting Akila tmrw morning to study maths & find mdnlock. (:
These few days keep sleeping like 2 - 5hrs only, sob. My forehead no pimples one lor, suddenly pop 2 out. Taoyan si ~
Oh, and I've got sunburn ? -.- Wth pls. Zzz

Super cute lehz. LOL