Saturday, May 15, 2010


Wanted to blog like days ago, but I kept drafting everything into blogger. LOL
Shall just copy & paste all the drafts here, hahaha. (:

Exams > Jp > home.
Mt paper3 was super lame. Hear until I keep dreaming away lor. And I accidently wrote my chinese name dwn instead of my english on the phy paper. Keep tou xiao to myself when I realise it. LOL :$


Insomnia until 2am+ :( Overslept > rush like mad but still late for schoool. -.- Woo!
During the exam I keep sha xiao to myself la, so crazy! :$ hehe.
Went for kfc am breakfast since school ended @ 9am. LOL And the aircon wasn't on yet. :( Hot until can die manz.
Talktalktalk until all the fairytales come out. HAHHA! I miss those pop up story books lor. :(
Can't blive Olvl mt is like 2 weeks away ? Omgomg. Mt = totally cmi.


Mini sticky ! (:

No school tday, hehe. Wanted to cab down to Clementi but no cab. :( So no choice walk to station. Hot until burn laa. LOL Thn went ikea for lunch, blahblahblah. Homed @ 10pm. Tired until cannot, no naps tday. :( And I slept for like so lil hours th previous night. :/ Argh!