Friday, May 28, 2010

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Okiex, I think I look older thn my mum when I've makeup on here. :( Bleahz.

@Past few days: Mt intensive.
Boring & tiring ttm. Olvl on Monday, gg lor. I want at least b3, but I'm f9-ing like siao. :(

@Yesterday 27/5: Use our hand campaign.
Wa, this year's uohc is the slackest manz. I din't even lift a finger, haha! Went for idk what talk and its so boring & freezing cold in the LT. :( Went home straight to sleep. Thn at night went to meet Sixiang, watched Shrek in 3D version. Cute leh the show. :D Hehe.

@Today 28/5: Public holiday.
Wanted to study but I slept my day away, super giddy. :( Boo. Okiex, thn whole family went over to uncle's house for dinner. My burises are super pain la. :'( Sob. Here knock de havent recover, there knock another one. -.- Stupid shitz.

Help me click on my advs ! :D