Monday, June 28, 2010

A brand new tomorrow.

Here to upload some pix. :D

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Manage to make myself sit down and do some work yesterday. Finished Physicspaper1 Emathspaper2. :)

@Wednesday: I changed my fb status to " Paint a picture of tomorrow for me. " And I got like 26comments on it -_- LOL.
Crazy JinGen really drew one out for me, wth!

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So the nextday I said I hope for a better tmrw, so he drew this.

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LOL!! HAHHA. Add one background only!!

@Thursday: Went cine with Michelle. Ate frozen yogurt ! (Y) Very nice but so ex. :(
Afterthat went to pick mummy up with daddy thn hsh. :D

@Friday: Went to so many places, walked nonstop for more thn 6hrs. Can't take it. LOL Went to Queensway to find bags, but no nice bag. So just bought an icecream there & walked over to ikea. Damn happy I tell you! Cause I've been craving for diam cake since idk when, hehe. Ate 2 chickenwings also, full ttm. Then went 313, walked over to fareast and bought 3 nice hand accessories & very cute comb! Satisfied x11. (Y) Woo! Train to amk and bought my new schoolbag. :) And I really want a nice bling itouch cover! :@ Saw one star one, but its for iPhone -_- zzz.

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Diam cake !!! (Y)

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Meatballz... LOL

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I help you open cake you still snapshot me. :@ Its okie, cause my hair is brown here. HAHAHA :P

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Koofang made her sist & I do this survey. -_- So many qns somemore, we keep laughing while doing la. LOL

@Saturday: Cousins came as usual. :) 11pm++ hungry like mad! Asked daddy to buy me some food home but he's already at the carpark. :( Sob, but he still brought me all the way to satayclub for supper! Yay! Damn long never eat satayrice lo. Hehehe, full like shitz afterthat. Went home @ 1am++

@280610, Monday.

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Just cut all my nails just now cos idk what I did and my thumb's nail bcame like this. Half broken, damn pain -_-
Back to school tday. I think still okie la, so sleepy & hungry only. LOL After school had lunch @ Pastamania, hehe.
Holidays ended, think I enjoyed myself enough already. Will pack/organise my stuff later since I know I won't have the mood the study, might as well do something productive. Was abit excited for school yesterday cause I have a new bag to carry. HAHAHA LOL

Bye, please click on my advs too. :D Tyvm!