Wednesday, June 23, 2010

That courage.

It's nothing scarey I promise! :)
Last week of June holidays, I've got my Thursday & Friday planned out already. Just hope i recover fast. Tuition tcher left earlier too, cause I was damn unwell just now. :( Went back school for Amaths retest yesterday & it started to rain when th test was ending -_- so Stef, Akila & I waited for the rain to stop at the canteen. Superb cold! I kept hugging myself la. LOL Went home to change & bought ljs lunch for Bobby.T then stayed at her house till 7pm. She broke my usb cable wire. :( HAHA, jk. She thought she broke it, but its detachable! Dumb until -_- Cannot stop laughing at her reaction. LOL
I think olvl sucks, kthxbye.