Friday, July 16, 2010

Gotta go my own way.

You can open th vid in another tab cause you can't stop my blogsong.

Annoying Noise Pictures, Images and Photos Hi, this is me. :D HAHAHHA. Irene says: Why you so cute ?!?! LOL.
Took height & weight tday, I think the machine really got prob lor. How can I not grow tall & my weight keep decreasing! LOL

No remedials after schl so we went to watch despicable me. :) Damn cute I tell you! Omg, can go crazy while watching!
& I think the goodnight kiss/ ily part is v touching. :'( I thot I was overreacting or what, but Bobby.T cried too k. LOL

dm Pictures, Images and Photos
I'm gna find a minion soft toy manz, so cute!! Ahhhh !

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Movie w. 13 people tday. :D

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I like this pix alot cause I think we all look v cute here, especially th 3 girls in PE. HAHAH LOL

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Hi, this is me again. LOL

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3 cute girls. :D HAHAHA
Other pix @ fb, lazy upload already. Bye!