Thursday, July 22, 2010

Racial harmony day.

Racial harmony day celebration yesterday. Meet up w. BobbyT early in the morning & walked over to Myrah's house to borrow a kabaya thn bused back to BobbyT's house to change + wait for Carlyn. Okiex, thn walked to schl. Damn tiring ah. :(

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Hi, candid me. LOL

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Lazy upload, other pix @ fb. :)

Chemistry spa skill3 tday. Wlao, so sleepy. :( I din't even wna get up this morning la. Mummy keep waking me up, argh! BobbyT keep losing her things these days, funny ttm. She has a new bottle & I rly din't blive its hers. Cause its pink & it has astroboy on it. HAHA. Cute la, I want a pink tweety bottle too. :$