Sunday, July 25, 2010

The sky isn’t always blue, the sun doesn’t always shine. It’s okay to fall apart sometimes.

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Went to the library w. BobbyT on Friday. Very high lor cause I was a happygirl for that few hours. ♥s x11. Irritate her until she cannot take it, damn funny! I love the toliet. It never fail to scare us. To BobbyT I'm scaring her, but to me she's scaring me. So omg, we keep got frightened by each other -_- I laugh until my pee gna come out any min la. WTH LOL Reached home around 7pm. So damn tired, laze for awhile thn head to bed straight. Hehe.

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YO HI HELLO NIHAO KOOFANG! Went for physics remedial which I think is a waste of time cause we only did layered mcq like wth. Went for breakfast @ wm thn went home. :) Slept abit thn had tuition. So tiring. :( kf is a pervert, hmphf. I can't rmb what I did already. I can only rmb asking kh if she wna study. And she said yes, told her to wait for my itouch to finish updating cause I wna study too. But HAHA I WENT INTO THE ROOM TO SLEEP RIGHT AFTER TELLING HER THAT. WTH LOL. Too tired. :( The most funny part was that afterawhile, kh came to the hall to look for me but she couldn't find me. HAHAHA!

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Pardon me ~ :$

Wokeup early in the morning & watched tv. LOL Spent my day eating + sleeping + msging + studying phy. 4 upcoming tests, I think I'm gna die soon. :( It's gna rain now, tmrw cfm don't feel like waking up again! LOL Just helped BobbyT think of some answers for her interview tmrw. :) Goodluck baby! <3