Sunday, August 15, 2010

Since I can't sleep now I shall update my blog. :D I'm forever so sway on Friday 13th.

First I was late for schl by 1min -_- sian diao. Thn I only realise I din't bring my itouch & hp to schl when I'm at th lift. Thn it rained damn heavily & stupid bobby dk how shelter me. I was totally wet on the right & totally dry on the left. LOL After lunch & everything I went home and I dint bring keys. :( Nobody was home too. So I decided to try my luck by going dwn to my cousin's house but no one was there. WLAO. So I walk back, in hope that I can see Dion or something so I can borrow his phone. Endup no one there. So I went to roam around & I got lost -_- rly cmi. Din't know this area here so big. LOL Thn I finally managed to walked home, so tired that I just sat at the stairs to sleep while waiting for someone to come home.

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Look at how wet the guys are, wth. LOL Keep laughing w. Bobby !

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Out at lib w. Bobby some days ago & we kept talking to this plastic. Hehe, cute okie....

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And she says : " The person on my left rocks! " Which is me la. :$ Shy liao la.

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And from the pix, you can clearly see that I'm taller thn her la. See the shoulder! Wlao. She still keep saying she's taller thn me. :@

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Baby cousin.

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Finally I own a 11 la. LOL

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I see what pix I upload what. Somemore @ my other phone but I'm damn lazy to get it, shall update them on another post thn. :)